Pest RecordingBecome a pest recorder

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County Earliest Date Latest Date Total Insects Number of Records
Lancashire 01/04/71 22/09/17 980 44
Cambridgeshire 01/06/92 07/09/20 3621 86
Hampshire 01/04/95 03/04/19 9854 370
Durham 01/04/96 07/07/17 7 7
Sussex 01/07/96 01/07/96 3 1
Cardiff 01/04/98 20/09/18 860 69
Isle of Wight 29/05/98 09/04/19 15376 640
Greater Manchester 04/01/05 26/08/20 229 51
Berkshire 03/02/05 01/06/18 800 32
Essex 06/01/97 28/06/19 5797 566
EastSussex 28/02/05 27/07/17 133 19
West Yorkshire 16/03/05 31/08/17 44 44
Stirlingshire 18/03/05 14/09/17 12 12
Gwent 21/03/05 06/06/17 1270 27
Tyne and Wear 14/04/05 19/10/17 236 31
Leicestershire 18/04/05 08/09/17 726 23
Shropshire 14/06/02 29/04/19 3423 539
Warwickshire 26/11/04 25/04/19 7303 422
Inner Hebrides 04/06/09 01/09/09 2 2
South Ayrshire 08/08/08 20/10/09 4 4
South Lanarkshire 30/07/09 15/10/14 101 3
Isle of Arran 05/07/09 23/08/09 4 4
Fife 11/05/09 02/08/17 18 18
Lothian 01/04/95 27/10/14 36 19
Oxfordshire 01/04/95 13/10/17 2779 69
Powys 09/05/05 01/06/17 2632 31
Moray 11/05/10 01/07/14 7 6
Aberdeenshire 26/03/09 20/07/17 30 25
West Midlands 19/10/05 14/01/20 10292 678
Angus 30/07/10 11/05/20 249 25
Herefordshire 01/10/10 20/06/17 2155 91
Staffordshire 24/03/05 28/09/17 559 41
London 04/01/71 02/10/19 98591 3526
Borders 10/12/10 19/01/12 4 4
Derbyshire 04/02/05 10/08/17 5328 126
Dumfries and Galloway 22/07/09 09/03/17 6 6
Perthshire 02/02/12 13/06/17 10 10
Renfrewshire 28/02/12 19/10/17 14 14
Cheshire 09/03/12 25/08/17 1898 55
Lanarkshire 17/03/12 14/10/17 19 17
Middlesex 11/04/12 11/04/12 1 1
Dorset 30/05/12 01/06/17 2212 25
Glamorgan 16/04/12 01/06/17 79 16
Worcestershire 01/06/12 12/06/17 3207 44
Dublin 11/06/12 11/06/12 1 1
Suffolk 27/06/05 24/07/20 1398 91
Bedfordshire 15/09/05 05/04/19 2189 171
Norfolk 24/08/05 26/06/19 15432 402
Cornwall 01/07/12 06/06/17 4011 78
Northumberland 16/02/05 28/02/20 8544 235
Cumbria 29/03/05 16/06/17 3084 70
Nottinghamshire 08/04/05 29/06/17 1599 37
Gloucestershire 29/09/05 01/09/18 1819 107
North Yorkshire 28/01/99 01/04/19 12365 718
Lincolnshire 22/08/05 20/07/17 2047 91
Northamptonshire 06/01/01 01/06/17 383 41
Kent 07/09/99 09/04/19 63775 2104
Somerset 01/07/12 01/08/20 4787 126
Devon 27/05/05 22/09/17 8402 177
Surrey 25/02/05 01/04/20 17622 418
Buckinghamshire 01/06/12 02/10/17 1616 46
County Down 01/10/07 20/03/20 3211 122
Yorkshire 31/03/08 09/10/18 2860 118
South Yorkshire 03/01/99 01/04/19 4109 697
Glasgow and Clyde Valley 01/05/09 01/08/12 4 4
Monmouthshire 14/02/12 14/09/17 31 31
Merseyside 12/09/12 06/06/17 1467 36
Hertfordshire 28/09/12 02/10/17 276 24
Jersey Channel Islands 02/10/12 02/10/12 1 1
Humberside 13/09/12 27/04/17 5 5
Flintshire 09/10/12 09/10/12 1 1
Wiltshire 08/04/04 21/09/17 5326 130
County Fermanagh 30/10/13 01/06/17 954 19
Clwyd 30/10/13 01/06/17 4254 56
County Armagh 30/10/13 01/06/17 2289 13
County Londonderry 01/11/13 19/10/17 1420 28
Dyfed 05/11/13 01/06/17 454 23
Gibraltar 25/06/14 25/06/14 1 1
Midlothian 15/07/14 28/07/14 2 2
Highlands and Islands 25/03/15 11/05/17 2 2
Ayrshire 07/07/15 07/07/15 1 1
County Tyrone 01/05/16 10/07/17 256 7
y 05/05/16 01/06/17 68 4
Gwynedd County 15/12/15 01/09/17 744 23
Cleveland 05/05/16 01/06/17 288 22
Greater London 13/05/05 01/01/20 3817 141
Ceredigon 19/09/16 19/09/16 1 1
Anglesey 18/02/16 01/08/17 526 3
West Sussex 16/05/05 27/07/17 4892 78
Antrim 31/05/17 31/05/17 2 1
Pembrookshire 01/06/17 01/06/17 4 1
County Antrim 11/09/17 11/09/17 3 3
Bristol 03/10/17 29/04/19 204 26
11/01/10 10/12/24 82325 4088
County Earliest Date Latest Date Total Insects Number of Records Latitude Longitude
01/04/71 22/09/17 980 44 53.4000 -2.9900
01/06/92 07/09/20 3621 86 52.2000 0.1200
01/04/95 03/04/19 9854 370 51.0400 -1.5400
01/04/96 07/07/17 7 7 54.5400 -1.9200
01/07/96 01/07/96 3 1 50.9100 -0.7800
01/04/98 20/09/18 860 69 51.4900 -3.1800
29/05/98 09/04/19 15376 640 50.7400 -1.2700
04/01/05 26/08/20 229 51 53.4100 -2.1600
03/02/05 01/06/18 800 32 51.5100 -0.7500
06/01/97 28/06/19 5797 566 51.5700 0.2000
28/02/05 27/07/17 133 19 50.8000 0.3000
16/03/05 31/08/17 44 44 53.8500 -1.6300
18/03/05 14/09/17 12 12 55.9900 -3.7100
21/03/05 06/06/17 1270 27 51.5800 -2.8300
14/04/05 19/10/17 236 31 54.9700 -1.6600
18/04/05 08/09/17 726 23 52.4700 -0.9200
14/06/02 29/04/19 3423 539 52.6700 -2.2400
26/11/04 25/04/19 7303 422 52.3500 -1.5900
04/06/09 01/09/09 2 2 57.0600 -6.5000
08/08/08 20/10/09 4 4 54.8400 -4.0500
30/07/09 15/10/14 101 3 55.7700 -4.2300
05/07/09 23/08/09 4 4 55.5900 -5.1500
11/05/09 02/08/17 18 18 56.0600 -3.6300
01/04/95 27/10/14 36 19 55.9500 -3.2100
01/04/95 13/10/17 2779 69 51.7600 -1.2600
09/05/05 01/06/17 2632 31 52.6500 -3.1600
11/05/10 01/07/14 7 6 57.6000 -3.7200
26/03/09 20/07/17 30 25 57.2000 -2.4600
19/10/05 14/01/20 10292 678 52.4800 -1.9000
30/07/10 11/05/20 249 25 56.7300 -2.5400
01/10/10 20/06/17 2155 91 52.0600 -2.7200
24/03/05 28/09/17 559 41 52.8000 -2.0100
04/01/71 02/10/19 98591 3526 51.5000 -0.1800
10/12/10 19/01/12 4 4 55.6200 -3.0600
04/02/05 10/08/17 5328 126 52.9200 -1.4800
22/07/09 09/03/17 6 6 54.8400 -4.0500
02/02/12 13/06/17 10 10 56.6200 -3.2300
28/02/12 19/10/17 14 14 55.8400 -4.4200
09/03/12 25/08/17 1898 55 53.3300 -2.6700
17/03/12 14/10/17 19 17 55.8400 -4.2800
11/04/12 11/04/12 1 1 51.5300 -0.3700
30/05/12 01/06/17 2212 25 50.7400 -2.9000
16/04/12 01/06/17 79 16 51.6200 -3.9600
01/06/12 12/06/17 3207 44 52.2700 -2.0800
11/06/12 11/06/12 1 1 53.3500 -6.2600
27/06/05 24/07/20 1398 91 52.1200 1.3500
15/09/05 05/04/19 2189 171 52.0100 -0.4100
24/08/05 26/06/19 15432 402 52.8100 1.2300
01/07/12 06/06/17 4011 78 50.4900 -4.2300
16/02/05 28/02/20 8544 235 55.3200 -1.8900
29/03/05 16/06/17 3084 70 54.1600 -3.1900
08/04/05 29/06/17 1599 37 53.2700 -1.0600
29/09/05 01/09/18 1819 107 51.4800 -2.3700
28/01/99 01/04/19 12365 718 54.1200 -1.5800
22/08/05 20/07/17 2047 91 52.9400 -0.6200
06/01/01 01/06/17 383 41 52.1500 -1.1600
07/09/99 09/04/19 63775 2104 51.2400 0.0800
01/07/12 01/08/20 4787 126 50.9600 -2.8600
27/05/05 22/09/17 8402 177 51.1500 -3.9800
25/02/05 01/04/20 17622 418 51.2500 -0.5200
01/06/12 02/10/17 1616 46 51.9200 -0.9600
01/10/07 20/03/20 3211 122 54.6500 -5.8000
31/03/08 09/10/18 2860 118 53.8700 -1.8800
03/01/99 01/04/19 4109 697 53.3900 -1.4200
01/05/09 01/08/12 4 4 55.8100 -3.9500
14/02/12 14/09/17 31 31 51.8100 -3.1300
12/09/12 06/06/17 1467 36 53.2800 -2.9300
28/09/12 02/10/17 276 24 51.9100 0.0300
02/10/12 02/10/12 1 1 55.3800 -3.4400
13/09/12 27/04/17 5 5 53.7000 -0.9600
09/10/12 09/10/12 1 1 53.1800 -3.1400
08/04/04 21/09/17 5326 130 51.5100 -2.0000
30/10/13 01/06/17 954 19 54.3400 -7.6200
30/10/13 01/06/17 4254 56 53.4800 -2.8900
30/10/13 01/06/17 2289 13 54.4400 -6.5900
01/11/13 19/10/17 1420 28 55.1600 -6.7900
05/11/13 01/06/17 454 23 52.2200 -4.2300
25/06/14 25/06/14 1 1 55.3800 -3.4400
15/07/14 28/07/14 2 2 55.9600 -3.1900
25/03/15 11/05/17 2 2 56.8400 -5.0700
07/07/15 07/07/15 1 1 55.6100 -4.6700
01/05/16 10/07/17 256 7 54.4600 -6.6600
05/05/16 01/06/17 68 4 53.6500 -1.3900
15/12/15 01/09/17 744 23 53.2000 -4.2200
05/05/16 01/06/17 288 22 54.5400 -1.1800
13/05/05 01/01/20 3817 141 51.5600 -0.1800
19/09/16 19/09/16 1 1 52.0800 -4.6500
18/02/16 01/08/17 526 3 53.2000 -4.2200
16/05/05 27/07/17 4892 78 50.9900 -0.6100
31/05/17 31/05/17 2 1 54.5700 -5.9500
01/06/17 01/06/17 4 1 52.2200 -4.2300
11/09/17 11/09/17 3 3 54.6000 -5.9500
03/10/17 29/04/19 204 26 51.3200 -2.5300
11/01/10 10/12/24 82325 4088 52.0700 1.1300

Pest Recording